Start from the Beginning
I know for some cooking is a very daunting task and can have unpredictable outcomes. It can be scary to try new things when you are not sure what you will end up with. This is where I come in. I am going to start from the ground up and try to help you to have confidence in your cooking. Give you the basics to work with and the confidence to explore new foods and flavors.
Many people think because I went to Culinary School I can do no wrong in the kitchen, which is totally nuts!!! I have made plenty of disasters in the kitchen. Let me tell you one.
When I was first married I wanted to be the perfect little house wife, clean house, and dinner on the table when my husband came home from work. I love trying new things and have never been afraid to work with new foods or recipes.
One day I decided I wanted to make a Quiche. I know this doesn't seem like it would be a difficult thing to make for a chef, but I had never made one, but loved them.
I was a little nervous to make this for dinner because I remember as a child my father used to say “Quiche is for girls, Men don’t eat quiche.” My husband was defiantly a man’s man and I was not sure how my dinner would be received.
I went ahead and attempted to make what I thought was going to be a fantastic meal and make my husband love Quiche and never utter those words from my childhood. “quiche is for Girls”
I made the crust, which was easy enough. Then for a custard like filling. I caramelized onion, crisped up bacon and sauteed some fresh broccoli to put in it, mixed together the eggs and cream and added my fillings. Poured it into my baked pie shell and into the oven it went. An hour latter it came out and look absolutely divine. I could not wait for my husband to taste it and tell me how amazing I was.
As I sat across the table and cut into the quiche and served my darling husband a piece of my masterpiece, I watched him take a bite, just so you know my husband would eat shoe leather if I seasoned it properly and put gravy on it. So I was not too worried about him liking anything I made.
As I watched him take a bite, his face went stone cold and he had this sort of polite smile on his face and then turned his head and SPIT OUT my food! WHAT? I could not believe my eyes, he hated it, then I took a bite and I think it was one of the worst things I have ever made or eaten.
So long story short, just because I screwed it up that time, it did not stop me from trying again. I have since made dozens of quiches’ and they are simply wonderful. Don’t let failure or fear stop you from venturing into new foods and flavors..
Never let a little trepidation and fear keep you from trying new adventures.
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